Episode 10: “If you have a brain, you have unconscious bias.”

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Our brain is amazing! It can process 11 million bits of information per second and make sense of it all!! Sounds powerful, right? Not always...The filters we use to sort information can oftentimes create separation, fear and prejudice in the name of keeping us safe. In this conversation with Carson Johns, learn about what unconscious bias is, how it serves us and how it impacts every decision we make in life. Carson will share powerful stories and strategies for how to trick our minds to stay open and curious about people and situations that feel different and unfamiliar, which leads to greater joy and connection at work and in life. You won’t want to miss it.

Johanna Beyer

Johanna Beyer is the founder and principal of On Your Path Consulting. Since 2002 she has been working one on one with people who feel that they are at a crossroads in life. She specializes in supporting individuals who feel unfulfilled with their current careers and are ready to create their next stage of work that is challenging and purposeful. 


Episode 11: Trust Your Own Experience, Overcome Fear and Live a Courageously Creative Life with Tiffany Shlain


Episode 9: Our Teachable on the Nuts and Bolts of Feedback